Thursday, August 13, 2015


Me at Calvin College, freaking out because mom was standing in the middle of the road as she took the picture. 

What was pretty awesome was that the Brazilian girl on the right spray-painted that picture, and the woman on the left bought it for $1500. It was to support the eradication of polio. The guy in the middle was John Germ, the president of Rotary.

So in early July, I went up to Grand Rapids in Michigan for an enormous gathering of inbounds (the kids from other countries), outbounds (the kids heading out of the country), and rebounds (the kids who had left and are still pining over the country they lived in). There were around 800 kids there, and a lot of them brought their parents, which of course meant that the auditorium was always absurdly crowded. 

It was awesome, though; I got to hang out with the other outbounds from my district, all of whom I adore. Also I met the other outbounds, rebounds, and inbounds from Japan, most of which were super nice. There were a lot of presentations, which were all very helpful, and fun activities. The highlight was probably the talent show, because all the performances were amazing!  


  1. I'm so glad you're having a fun time, lol I wish Fish and I could have stowed away in your luggage :) I can't wait to hear about all of your adventures and escapades throughout the year, we all miss you over here and hope you're having an awesome time :)

    1. Aw thanks bb. If I could I would definitely stuff you two in my enormous suitcase. But alas, it is not meant to be. I'll miss you too!
